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Learn Your Bible

Bible Indexing

Organising and Labelling Biblical Text

Most modern publications of the Bible divide the text into sections, each headed by a brief title. In most cases these structures more accurately separate topics than the Chapter and Verse divisions that were inserted in their present form in the 16th Century. However, the titles are only rough guides to the contents of the sections. A more derailed structure can be helpful. Writing such a structure oneself can be a rewarding experience, since it causes the writer to focus his or her thoughts on what the passage is actually saying and how it relates to its context.

The idea is to describe each section of text under a main heading, followed by minor or sub-headings, each followed by a word or short phrase synopsising the content of that part of the passage.  This can better be explained by an example, such as the following analysis of Psalm 1:

   Main heading:    THE TWO WAYS

   Subheading 1:    The Way of the Righteous (vs 1-3)

                             Disassociation with Evil (v1)

                             Delight in  God’s Word (v2)

                             Result: Firm and Fruitful (v3)              

   Subheading 2:    The Way of the Wicked     (vs 4-5)

                             Weak (v4)

                             Without hope (v5a)                             

   Subheading 3:    The Destinies of Both       (v5b-6)

In this example it is expedient to describe each verse individually, but it most cases the meaning is described in a run of several verses.

By no means do I claim this to be the best ever analysis of the Psalm, nor indeed the only correct one. The point is that your analyses are to be yours as you see them - results of your own study and (God-inspired) insights.

The use of CAPITALS, underlining and italics is my personal preference. You must decide what works best for you. The important thing is to be consistent to your chosen style throughout.  

Not all passages lend themselves to being clearly structured in this way. Many of the Proverbs, for example, are lists of short sayings that bear little relationship to the one before.

To analyse the whole Bible in this fashion may be a life-time’s work, but I can assure you the time spend doing so will yield results in your understanding and appreciation of the precious truths revealed in the Scriptures.

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