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© Learn Your Bible 2023 Michael Button

Learn Your Bible

Quips, Quotes and Anecdotes

O.K. so these might not contribute a great deal to your studies, but they might come in useful in sermons and preaching sessions, and you will find some of them fun or thought-provoking. We gratefully acknowledge the wit and wisdom of those who gave us these enlightening sayings and we regret those instances where we have been unable to trace the original speaker or writer.

The password at the gate of heaven is “I am a sinner saved by the grace of God in Jesus Christ.”  (Billy Graham)

There are no epitaphs in heaven; only the Lamb’s Book of Life.  (Michael Button)

Religion is just letting God love you.  (H. Brash Bonsall)

Religion is saying “Yes” to God.  (H. Brash Bonsall)

Christmas is a son away from home.  (Norma Alloway)

Turn you face to the sun (Son) and the shadows will fall behind you.  (H. Brash Bonsall)

God voted for my salvation; Satan voted against. I made the casting vote.  (Dwight L. Moody)

It’s wonderful what God can do with a broken heart if he gets all the pieces.  (H. Brash Bonsall)

When we look within we are depressed;

When we look around we are impressed;

When we look at Jesus we are blessed.

Christians are especially prone to three temptations: to whine, to shine and to recline.

We have to ears and one mouth that we may listen more and talk less  (Zeno, a philosopher c490-430 BC)

There is no need for you to defend a lion when he is being attacked; all you need to do is to open the gate and let him out.  (Billy Graham)

When we first enter the divine life we purpose to grow; God’s plan is to make us feel weak. (John Newton)

A Christian should never plead spirituality for being sloven; if he be a shoe cleaner, he should be the best in the parish.  (John Newton)

Church members who are not born again believers are like Noah’s carpenters: they helped build the ark but were not saved in it.  (H. Brash Bonsall)

He who can no longer pause in wonder or stand in awe is already half dead.  (Albert Einstein)

The quality of mercy is not (con)strained. (A.H. Strong)

Show me that you are redeemed and then I will believe in your redeemer. (Friedrich Nietsche)

Prayerless pews make for powerless pulpits.

If you want revival, draw a chalk circle around yourself and pray, “God, begin revival inside this circle.”  (Gypsy Smith)

Seven prayerless days make one weak.

Hardening of the heart ages more people than hardening of the arteries.

Today may be the yesterday you will regret toromorrow.

It’s better to go straight than to move in the best circles.

A rumour is about as hard to unspread as butter.

Confess you were wrong yesterday; it will show you are wise today.

Prayer moves that Hand that moves the world.

The dictionery is the only place when the word ‘success’ comes before ‘work.’

Those who notice providence shall never be long without a providence to notice. (C.H.Spurgeon)

Don’t ask “Where is God in the universe?”; But “Where is the universe in God?” (David Pawson)

Gossip is like mud thrown at a clean wall; it may not stick, but it leaves a mark.

Every misery we haven’t got is a mecy we have got.  (Guy King)

The Word of God is like a tin of paint ... the value of the Word of God lies in its application.  (Rob Jones, Renewal Christian Centre.)

Sin has many tools, but a lie is a handle that fits them all.

The way to say “No” is to say“No!”  (William Barclay)

Be yourself! Everyone else is already taken.

Most people are bothered by those passages of Scripture they don’t understand, but I have always noticed that the passages that bother me are the ones I do understand. (Mark Twain)

Agapé (love) ... Does not ask for limits but only for opportunity. (A.M. Hunter)

Take care of your thoughts and the deeds will take care of themselves. (See Matt 15:18-19)

I first preach the law until it brings a knowledge of sin; and then I sprinkle it with grace. (John Wesley)

The trouble with stretching the truth is that it is likely to snap back.

Christ has taken our nature into heaven to represent him, and has left us on earth, with his nature, to represent him.  (John Newton)

You can’t escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.

The Cross is the “I”crossed out.

Love is the master key to the morals of the Kingdom.  (A.M. Hunter)

A man who walks with God always gets to HIS destination. (Henrietta Mears)

The best gift is a good example.

When Satan knocks, send Jesus to the door.

Success comes in cans: failures come in can’ts.

Triumph is the ‘umph’ that comes when we try.

God wants consecration, not resignation.

It is better any day to burn out than to rust out. (William Barclay)

WANTED for the building of His Kingdom: fewer architects and more bricklayers.

Prayer is one wing and faith is the other. Try to fly with only one wing! (Derek Prince)

Do not make today the yesterday that you will regret tomorrow. (Leslie Weatherhead)

“How can I find God?” … Is like a fish saying “How can I find the ocean?”  

   (Leslie Weatherhead)

Humility is that grace that, when you know you have it, you have lost it.

There can be no following without a previous forsaking. (John Stott)

Keep your feet on the ground but let your heart soar as high as it will.  (A.W. Tozer)

The past can be a good teacher but it makes a poor master. (Michael Button)

Give Satan an inch and he’ll be a ruler.

When I cannot enjoy the faith of assurance I live by the faith of adherence. (Matthew Henry)

Wisdom is easily read, takes time to acquire, but needs to be applied over a lifetime.

Christian freedom is guided by the Spirit, controlled by love, and bounded by responsibility. (William Barclay)

From a vine we look for grapes, and from a Christian we look for Christianity.  (Matthew Henry)

Find out which way God is going and go that way. (Abraham Lincoln)

If we praise God in adversity, we’ll find we have peace in perplexity and provision in necessity.  (Michael Carr, in his book As Sparks Fly Upward, page 79)

Exercise daily - walk with the Lord.

Judging is like a boomerang: It comes back to the one who throws it.  (David Carr)

The Korean word for ‘confess’ means to ‘vomit’. It is better to get it out.

Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, and faith looks up.

“Fear not” (or its equivalent) is found 366 times in the Bible, one for every day of the year and an extra for leap year.  (Joseph Ton)

Be ye fishers of men: you catch them and He’ll clean them.

If I want my own way rather than God’s, it is quite obvious that I shall want my own way rather than the other man’s.   (Roy Hession)

Wisdom doesn’t come with age; it comes with the walk.

Don’t talk about “surrender” too much; that is a military term. “Yield” is a family word. A child doesn’t surrender to his father: he yields.   (Roy Hession)

When praying, don’t give God instructions - just report for duty.

No one is a firmer believer in the power of prayer than the devil; not that he practises it, but he suffers from it.   (Guy King)

Write your plans in pencil but give God the eraser (see James 4:15).

The Lord can do great things through those who don’t care who gets the credit.

Nothing lies outside the circle of prayer except that which lies outside the circle of God’s will. (Angela Ashwin)

Bible = Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.

If you want to make a man happy, add not to his possession but take away from his desires.

I do not seek to understand so that I may believe; rather do I believe that I may understand.   (Anselm)

The power of man has grown in every sphere except over himself.  (Winston Churchill)

Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, and faith looks up.

If we praise God in adversity, we’ll find we have peace in perplexity and provision in necessity. (Michael Carr, in ‘As Sparks Fly Upward’)

In prayer a man kneels before God that he may stand erect before men. (William Barclay)

Look upon every man, woman or child who tries your patience or angers you as a means of grace to humble you. (Andrew Murray)

Stop signs do not stop cars. God’s laws do not stop sin. (Anon.) (Rom 7:5-8)

We are not built for guilt. (Joyce Meyer)

Don’t worry about tomorrow - God is already there.

Sins are like manhole covers. They come in different shapes and sizes but each one leads down into the same sewer.  (David Day, in Jeremiah - Speaking for God in a Time of Crisis.)

Believing is the root; feeling is the fruit.

I expect to spend the rest of my life in the future, so I want to be reasonably sure of what kind of future it’s going to be. (Charles F. Kettering, Decision magazine, March 1976)

(Noah) dared to stand for something when everyone else was falling for anything.  (Billy Graham)

I do not seek to understand that I may believe; rather do I believe that I may understand. (Anselm)

The weapon of the Christian is always love’s appeal and seldom power’s demand. (William Barclay)

If you want to make a man happy, add not to his possessions, but take away from his desires.

(Stoic philosophy)

The Christian is not bounded to goodness by fear; he is lifted to goodness by the obligation of love which wakens the sleeping chivalry of the soul.  (William Barclay, in Flesh and Spirit.)

The difference between “bitter” and “better” is “I”.  (Larry Christensen)

Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind. (Albert Einstein)

Great men do not start revivals. Revivals start great men.  (Edwin Orr)

Birds of a feather grumble together (Num 11:1)

Sin in the second largest thing in the world. Only the love of God is greater. (Billy Graham)

There can be no such thing as secret discipleship, for either the secrecy destroys the discipleship or the discipleship destroys the secrecy. (Quoted without reference by William Barclay in Daily Study Bible: Matthew).

Whatever pressure the Potter puts on you to mold you, remember it is by His hands - you are in His hands. (T.D. Jakes)

Let emotions subside before you decide. (Joyce Mayer)

Popular culture is a place where pity is called compassion, flattery is called love, propaganda is called knowledge, tension is called peace and gossip is called news.  (Chriss Jami)

The Christian thinks not of his rights, but of his duties; not of his privileges, but of his responsibilities.

(William Barclay)

The foundations of our faith - regeneration, and justification - are deeply laid in order that they may carry the superstructure of sanctification and holiness.  (Alan Redpath)

Satan had the opportunity of handling the sieve (to try Peter - Luke 22:31-32) But he could not keep the wheat. He got the chaff. (Source unknown)

I feel like a man who has no money in his pocket, but is allowed to draw for all he wants on one infinitely rich; I am, therefore, at once both a beggar and a rich man. (John Newton)

Moses only became meek after the discipline of forty years (Numbers 12:3). (R.W. Randolph, in "The Law of Sinai" pub: Longman's, Green & Co.)

Faith is a discipline, not a feeling (David Carr)

Materialism is the opium of the people.  (Leslie Weatherhead)

In science we must experience to believe; in Christianity we must believe to experience. (Mel Tari)

Keep your peace so you can keep your power. (Joyce Meyer)

If I breathe into Kalighat and do some work there and really serve the people with great love and sacrifice, then naturally they will begin to think of God. Once they think they will come to know, and knowing, they will want to love, and if they love they will want to serve.  (Mother Theresa)                   

Good for good, evil for evil: that is natural. Evil for good, that is devilish. Good for evil, that is divine. (St Augustine)

Fear focuses on the opposition; faith focuses on the opportunities.  (Rt Rev Dr David Carr)                           

God love people nor more because they are good, no less because they are wicked.   (T.H. Robinson)     

Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, but it empties today of its strength.  (Guy King)   

Criticism is …. a boomerang - it has a nasty habit of coming back and hurting who throws it at others. (Guy King)

Feed your faith and your doubts will starve to death. (Anon.)

The modern scientist has lost God in the wonders of His world; we Christians are in danger of losing God in the wonders of His Word.   (A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God, page 16)

Re prayer: Hang on! He is closer than we think!  (Angela Ashwin)


A truly consecrated life is always a wholly concentrated life.   (Guy King, in “New Order”, p86.)

Feed your faith and your doubts will starve to death. (Anon.)

Christianity is the one thing that works, if you work at it. (Richard Sipley, in Understanding Divine Healing)   

It’s not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves. (Sir Edmund Hilary)

Don’t initiate more than you can saturate with prayer. (Harold O’Chester)

The frail shall not fail - if filled.  (Guy King)

Faith is not a leap in the dark: it is a word from the Light. (Larry Lea, The Hearing Ear)

Fate is what we are compelled to do: destiny is what we are meant to do.  (Wll Barclay)

The only mistake which is really a mistake is that from which we learn nothing. (Thomas Merton)

God would rather have a good taxi driver than a bad missionary.

Jesus is not interested in what you are doing on His return but in what you have been doing while He has been away.

The surest way to score a goal is to throw your heart into the net - the ball will be more likely to follow. (C.B.Fry, quoted by Guy King in New Order, p84)

Dead tree can carry gifts in their branches, but only live trees can bear fruit.  

(K. Neil Foster, I Believe in Tongues, But ….)

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