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© Learn Your Bible 2023 Michael Button

Learn Your Bible

Why study the Bible?

Many parts of the Bible are not easy to understand. Its 66 Books were written in different eras and different cultures to our own and some parts seem strange or even cryptic at times. Studying the text, using study guides and modern Bible aids, gives us greater insight to the meaning of these inspired but ancient writings and helps us see their relevance to our own lives today.

“I read my Bible regularly. Isn’t this enough?”

We can learn a lot by diligent reading of the Scriptures, but sooner of later we shall come across passages we do not understand, or think we have understood but we have interpreted them wrongly. Searching for understanding and accuracy, using the courses and study helps available to us, is not only rewarding in itself, but will also help us to correctly handle the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15). Of course, the Holy Spirit is our ultimate interpreter, but that does not exempt us from making the effort to equip ourselves with the knowledge needed to put the Word of God into effect in our lives.

“Isn’t study for the clergy and academics?”

Yes; but for you too! Those who are, or will, be tasked with the role of teaching others have a particular responsibility to know the Bible well. But every Christian is called upon to follow the teaching of the Scriptures.  We cannot faithfully follow what we do not know and understand.

“Study is too hard for me.”

 “I am not intellectually gifted,” I hear someone object. But if you have learned to read, you can learn to study. You don’t have to work at degree level! Start with something simple, for example try following cross references in your Bible to see what light one verse sheds on another.  Give it a go! You never know - you might find Bible study is easier and more rewarding than you thought! You will find some tips for self study and a Brief Guide to Study Skills under “Other Resources”.

Why Study the Bible?

THE HOLY SPIRIT is ultimately our teacher of God’s Word (John 14:26), but that does not free us from the need to personally study the Scriptures, nor absolve those appointed to teach the Word to others from their responsibility to do so.

The most rewarding and enduring method of learning is self-discovery. If this is guided by the Holy Spirit, there is no telling what life-changing insights might be gained.

That is why Learn Your Bible studies do not merely state facts, but aim to guide you towards finding greater knowledge for yourself, whether you are leading a Bible study group or wanting to explore what the Bible has to teach you personally.

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