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© Learn Your Bible 2023 Michael Button

Learn Your Bible

Courses and Answer Sheets will be sent to you online in PDF format. There will be no charge.You may only order one at a time, using the order form below, and no more than one per month.

Those studying in groups may find it more convenient to have hard copies. We are not geared up to produce printed copies in bulk, but we shall quote you a price if you indicate you would like to have one or more hard copies (without obligation).

You may print the courses yourself from the PDF files, but bear in mind most of them run to nearly 200 pages. Please note that all our Courses and Study Guides are copyright, so although you may print as many copies or sections as you want for use by yourself or your study group, they are strictly NOT to be used for commercial purposes or distributed in whole or in part in printed or electronic form without permission of the copyright holder.

How  to  Obtain  the   Complete Courses

Why can’t I download them direct from the website? We want to know who has received our Study Guides. We promise not to send you lots of irritating emails, but we would like to let you know if we later publish any updated editions or discover some error that needs correction.

We are unable to provide an online order form, but we need only the details printed below. The easiest way is to copy the text , paste it into an email and complete the information, remembering to delete any of the items below (1 or 2) that you do not require.

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Course Title or reference number:

I would like:

1 The course itself

2 The answer sheet for this course

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