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Bible Discovery - Short Study Suggestions

These short studies are designed to help you discover Bible truths by personal investigation. They are not commentaries to provide you with information without work on your part. Each one involves some personal thinking and some reading. It is suggested you make use of the many resources that are available in book form or on the Internet, follow chain links and read commentaries on related scriptures, such as those suggested on our Online Resources page. Those prefaced ‘AS’ are best suited for more experienced Bible readers.

Study 001: Love as Jesus Showed it

Study 003: The Shepherd Psalm

Study 005: The Creative Word

Study 007: Righteousness

Study 009: From Worry to Peace

Study 011: The Ascension

Study 013: Justification

Study 015: Biblical Symbols 1 - Water

Study 017: Sanctification

Study 019: “Follow me”

Study 021: The Fully-clothed Christian

Study 023: The Passover Feast

Study 025: Psalm 34

Study 027: The Suffering Servant

Study 029: The Great Confession

Study 031: Biblical Symbols 5 - Fire

Study 033: That’s Your Lot! (Lot’s Mistakes)

Study 035: Letters to 7 Churches 1: Ephesus revised

Study 037: The Beatitudes

Study 039: Letters to 7 Churches 2: Smyrna revised

Study 041: “I Am” Sayings 2: The Light of the World

Study 043: The “Lock Down”

Study 045: The “I Am” Sayings 4: Resurrection & Life

Study 047: Hebrews 12 - The Race

Study 049: The Benedictus

Study 051: Redemption

Study 053: Palm Sunday

Study 055: Biblical Symbols 7: Fruit

Study 057: Letters to 7 Churches 3: Pergamum

Study 059: Jesus’ Last Supper Prayer

Study 061: Letters to the 7 Churches 5: Sardis

Study 063: Letters to the 7 Churches 6:


Study 065: Letters to the 7 Churches 7:



Study 067: Philippians Part 2:

To Live is Christ

Study 069: Philippians Part 4:

Salvation Made Complete

Study 071: Philippians Part 6:

Keeping up the Standard

Study 073: Philippians Part 8:

Affection and Gratitude

Study 075: The Ten Commandments

Study 077: The Kingdom of Heaven

Study 079: The Messiah’s Mission

Study 002: The Lord’s Prayer

Study 004: Psalm 1

Study 006: The Vision of Isaiah

Study 008: The Temptation of Eve

Study 010: The Coming of the Spirit

Study 012: Growing Through Life’s Trials

Study 014: Be Strong and Courageous

Study 016: The Festival of Tabernacles

Study 018: Biblical Symbols 2 - Oil

Study 020: Christmas in Prophecy

Study 022: Biblical Symbols 3 - Leaven

Study 024: Peter’s Pentecost Sermon

Study 026: The Tabernacle

Study 028: Biblical Symbols 4 - The Vine

Study 030: Praise from Psalm 100

Study 032: Letters to 7 Churches 1 - Ephesus

Study 034: Christ’s Resurrection

Study 036: Letters to 7 Church 2: Smyrna

Study 038: The “I Am” Sayings 1: Bread of Life

Study 040: Seven Tests of Faith

Study 042: Biblical Symbols 6 - The Horn

Study 044: “I Am” Sayings 3 - Shepherd & Door

Study 046: Anointed

Study 048: Psalm 40

Study 050: The “I Am” Sayings 5: The Way, Truth and Life

Study 052: The Blessing of Abraham

Study 054: The Incarnation - Its Purpose

Study 056: The “I Am” Sayings 6: The True Vine

Study 058: Good Thinking

Study 060: Letters to 7 Churches 4: Thyatira

Study 062: Simeon

Study 064: How Great is Jesus?

Study 066: Philippians Part 1:

An Epistle of Affection

Study 068: Philippians Part 3:

Humility Promotes Unity

Study 070: Philippians Part 5:

Pressing on in Christ

Study 072: Philippians Part 7:

Rejoice in the Lord

Study 074: Propitiation

Study 076: Christmas Passages

Study 078: Peter’s Love Challenge

Study 080: The Woman at the Well

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Sequential Studies

SS001-1 Hosea Speaks Today  Four hour-long studies or divide them into shorter sessions.

SS001-2 Hosea Speaks Today - Introduction  A five-minute recommended preliminary read.

SS002-1 Jesus the Teacher

SS002-2 What Jesus Taught About God The Father

SS002-3 What Jesus Taught About Himself

SS002-4 What Jesus Taught About the Holy Spirit

Advanced Studies

AS001: The Fruit of the Spirit

AS003: Character Study 2: Moses

AS005: Defining Faith

AS007: Prophecy 1: Methods

AS009: Character Study 4 - Paul

AS011: Hebrews, Chapter 1

AS013: Character Study 6: Samuel

Advanced Studies

AS002: Character Study 1 - David

AS004: Character Study 3 - Abraham

AS006: Defining Love

AS008: Prophecy 2: Predictive Prophecy

AS010: Character Study 5 - John the Baptist

AS012: That You May Believe

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